Activities-Outside Japan
Nepal Project
What we do in Nepal:

With the funds we have raised in Japan, we buy books in Nepal and deliver them to schools there.
Because many children in Nepal do not have the habit of reading books, we deliver the books to the children ourselves, by hand, in order to get them interested to read them.
In Nepal, there were very few books available for the children to read, and they were often stowed away in cabinets, locked up.
For that reason, we built some bookshelves and placed them in a classroom to make a class library for the children to have easy access to books.

Several times a year, we host a charity event targeting university students.
All the money gained from the event are used to buy books and other teaching materials for students in Nepal.

In this activity, we collect the dreams of children in both Japan and Nepal and share with children in both countries.
We have the children at the child welfare residential facilities to draw out their dreams, and we bring those to Nepal to introduce them to children there during a class we teach.
At the same time, we introduce what kinds of occupation are available in Japan.
After that, we have the children in Nepal express their dreams by drawing it.
Even the children who used to say,
"I am going to become a farmer because my family is one"
began to freely imagine and express their dreams and say,
"I want to become a doctor" or "I want to become a teacher" after hearing the various dreams of children in Japan.
We record this activity in a notebook and hand it to the class in Nepal, and we hope that this notebook would open up new perspectives and motivate children to make their dreams come true.